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Kriya yoga | Name of different type of kriyas and their benefifs

Kriya yoga

According to Maharishi Patanjali, there are three types of Sadhakas-

  • Upper category
  • Medium category
  • lower category
Medium category Sadhakas have past life yoga samskaras, but not so much developed that only by means of Abhyasa and vairagya, they could achieve the stage of samadhi. So, Kriya yoga is suggested for the medium category Sadhakas by Maharishi Patanjali. 
An unstable mind is the main obstacle in the way of yoga sadhana to achieve samadhi. The practice of kriya yoga destroys the Pancha kleshas- 
  • Avidya
  • Asmita
  • Raga
  • Davesha
  • Abhinivesha
These kleshas lead to the stability of the mind. Kriya yoga includes tapas, Swadhayaya, and Ishvara-pranidhana.

"Tapah Svadhyaya Ishvara- Pranidhana Kriyayogah"

 1. Tapas- Training and purifying the senses is tapas. Generally, types refer to Austerity, Rigour, and Following the practices that put the mind and body through hardship and the Sadhaka accepts happily all the physical and mental pain. Tapas is endurance and acceptance. 

2. Swadhayaya- It means self-study in the context of teaching. Study of the Moksha-shastra and remembrance of mantra and sacred words are also known as Swadhayaya.

3. Ishvara-Pranidhana- It is devotion and surrendering the fruits of karmas to the causal field or god. To have complete faith in the creative source, from which we originate is also known as Ishvara-Pranidhana.

According to the Gheranda Samhita, there are six types of kriyas (Shatkarma)- 
  • Dhauti Kriya
  • Basti Kriya
  • Neti Kriya
  • Trataka Kriya
  • Nauli Kriya
  • Kapalbhati Kriya
1. Dhauti Kriya- Dhauti Kriya removes excess phlegm, acidity, bile, and mucus. This Kriya also helps in removing cough, asthma, and bronchitis.
According to the Gheranda Samhita, there are four types of Dhauti kriyas- 
  • Antar Dhauti Kriya
  • Danta Dhauti Kriya
  • Hrid Dhauti Kriya
  • Moolasodhana Dhauti Kriya
2. Basti Kriya- Basti Kriya is a technique of cleansing the lower abdomen, which is mentioned in hatha yoga Pradipika. It removes harmful bacteria, threadworms, and heat from the inside. It helps to detoxify our bodies and maintain body weight.
There are two types of Basti kriya-
  • Jala Basti
  • Sthala Basti
3. Neti Kriya- Neti Kriya helps in removing allergies, sinusitis, eye disorders, throat and nose disorders, stress, anxiety, insomnia, epilepsy, and mental excitation, It cleans our nasal passage by removing sticky phlegm and dust particles.
  • Jal Neti
  • Sutra Neti
  • Dugdha Neti
  • Ghrita Neti
4. Trataka Kriya- The regular practice of Trataka Kriya increases our memory, eyesight, confidence, and thinking power. It removes insomnia, fear, eye disorders, and anxiety. It also helps in achieving laya samadhi and Shambhavi siddhi.
There are three types of Trataka kriya-
  • Antar Trataka
  • Bahir Trataka
  • Adho Trataka
5. Nauli Kriya- Nauli kriya also known as Lauliki kriya. People who are suffering from a hernia, peptic ulcers, hypertension, heart diseases, and abdominal pain should not be practice Nauli kriya.
It helps in removing hernia, diabetes, constipation, and sexual diseases. Nauli Kriya improves the 
working of the digestive system, liver, and glands. It also helps in the awakening of the Manipura chakra.
According to Gheranda Samhita, there are four types of Nauli Kriya-
  • Madhyama Nauli
  • Vama Nauli
  • Dakshina Nauli
  • Bhramara Nauli
6. Kapalbhati Kriya- In Kapalbhati kriya our exhalation stroke is active and inhalation is passive. It increases our metabolic rate and helps in weight loss. It is useful in diabetes and our nervous system.
There are three types of Kapalbhati kriya-
  • Vatkarma
  • Vyutkarma
  • Sheetkram

Kriya yoga | Name of different type of kriyas and their benefifs

Kriya yoga According to Maharishi Patanjali, there are three types of Sadhakas- Upper category Medium category lower category Medium categor...