The word Pranayama is composed of the two words- Prana +Ayama.
- Prana means- Life energy
- Ayama means- Control or expansion.
In pranayama, we consider different types of breathing exercises, are practiced to move this prana within our body to rejuvenate it. In other words, we can say that pranayama is the expansion of individual energy into cosmic energy. Five types of prana Vayu are found in our body, which is called panch prana. Which helps in regulating the body organs by assimilation and distribution of the energy obtained from the digested food. The five types of prana Vayus are-
- Prana
- Apana
- Samana
- Udana
- Vyana
According to Patanjali- Pranayama is the cessation of Puraka (Inspiration)and Rechaka (Expiration).
To bring "Laghav" is the objective of practicing Pranayama. Pranayama helps in strenhtening of the pranayama kosha.
The lightness of the body is related to the pranayama limb of Hatha yoga. Chakras and Nadis are components of pranayama kosha. Gheranda Samhita and Hathayoga Pradipika, eight types of pranayama are described by our scholars.
Pranayama |
In Gheranda Samhita described eight pranayama-
- Suryabhedi
- Bhastrika
- Ujjayi
- Bhramari
- Sheetali
- Moorchha
- Sahita
- Kevali
In Hathayoga pradipika eight pranayama are-
- Suryabhedi
- Bhastrika
- Ujjayi
- Bhramari
- Sheetali
- Moorchha
- Sheetkari
- Plavini
Suryabhedi pranayama- It is called right nostril breathing or inhaling by the right nose. It removes the Vata dosha, dullness, and lethargy. It creates warmth (Agni) in the body, so it is beneficial in the winter season. It helps to control our body temperature. The regular practice of Suryabhedi pranayama help in removing stomach worms and low blood pressure. It is also beneficial for introverted people who face difficulty in expressing their views and are depressed.
Suryabhedi pranayama should not be performed by people who are suffering from these types of disease-
- Peptic ulcer
- Epilepsy
- Heart problems
- High blood pressure
For Suryabhedi pranayama, Sit properly on asana in the sadhana pose by keeping your spine straight. Close your eyes and keep your right hand in pranayama mudra, for pranayama mudra close your right nostril with help of your right thumb and inhale from your left nostril and close your left nostril with help of a ring and little finger. After that release the air from the right nostril. Do the same asana with your left hand.
Benefits of Suryabhedi pranayama-
- It keeps our body and mind relaxed.
- Purify our blood and decrease blood-related diseases.
- Remove wrinkles and decrease skin-related problems.
- Decrease breathing-related decease like Asthma.
- Help to decrease anxiety and depression.
- Help to maintain the digestive system.
- Helps to activate kundalini power.
- Control seven chakras of our body.
- Keep our bodies stable and composed.
Bhastrika Pranayama- It is called bellows breathing, purify our soul and mind. It removes the disorders related to the three doshas (Vata, Pitta, and Kapha). It also removes skin-related problems, Asthma, Low blood pressure, Depression, and throat infection. It increases the metabolic rate and creates warmth in the body. This pranayama also removes toxins from the body. In Bhastrika pranayama inhalation and exhalation, strokes are forceful and active.
Bhastrika pranayama should not be performed by people who are suffering from these types of diseases-
- High blood pressure
- Heart-related problems
- Ulcer patients
- Eyes related problems
- Decrease breathing-related problems
- Purify our blood and decrease blood-related problems
- Decrease our body weight
- Decrease extra fat of stomach
- Increase our hunger
- Removes toxins from our body
Ujjayi Pranayama- It is called ocean pranayama or heating pranayama. This pranayama removes the disorders of the seven Dhatus ( Plasma, Blood, Muscle, Fat, Bone, Bone marrow, and Reproductive fluid ) and nervous systems. It provides calmness and relaxation to the mind and helps in curing insomnia and high blood pressure. The regular practice of Ujjayi Pranayama helps in removing Kapha Dosha, Ulcers, Mucus, and intestinal disorders. It also provides warmth to the body.
- Patient of serious cardiac
- Patient of hypertension
- Serious breathing issues
- It helps to calm and relax your mind.
- Decrease problem of high blood pressure.
- Maintain our digestive system.
- It keeps our bodies warm.
- It helps to cure diseases like anxiety, depression, etc.
- High blood pressure
- chest pain
- Ear infection
- Decrease the problems of anxiety and depression
- Keep our minds calm and relax
- Removes throat problems
- Improve our voice strength
- Dissipates anger
- It reduces fever or keeps our body cool.
- Increase immune system.
- Control hunger and thirst.
- It lessens our mental and emotional aggravation.
- Control high blood pressure and acidity.
- Keep your mind calm.
- Decrease skin related problems
- It keeps us happy and bliss and decreases negative thoughts.
- It helps to make a straight posture
- Calm our mind and stress booster.
- Helps to improve the digestion system.
- Reduce the mental and emotional tension.
- Beneficial for high blood pressure patients.
- Cools down our body temperature.
- Removes toxins from our body.
- Keeps our lungs healthy.
- Removes abdomen problems.
- Increase our immune system.
- Improve our digestion system.
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