G-THTZSWSTCC Begin to breath- yoga and meditation center: What is yoga?- Its origin and modern yoga

What is yoga?- Its origin and modern yoga

Yoga- Its origin and modern yoga 

Yoga is derived from the Sanskrit word "Yuj" to unite. Yoga is the practice of uniting all mental power with the spirit of the universe. Yoga is the practice of controlling our mind and body that involves breath control for health and relaxation. "Na Tasya Rogo Na Jara Na Marityu Prapatsya Yogaganimay Shriram" These lines describe the importance of yoga and it is mentioned in Svetasvataropanishad.

In our holy book Bhagavad Gita, yoga is- "Yogah Karmasu Kausalam Samatvam Yoga Uchyate" Whatever the result, the karma yogi receives the results as Prasada, a gift from the divine.

According to Maharshi Patanjali yoga is- "Yogschittavrittinirodhan" Here Chittavritti means mental modification and Nirodhah means mental control.

The father of yoga is Maharishi Patanjali and the father of modern yoga is Tirumalai Krishnamacharya. Patanjali yoga sutra is the most ancient systematic text of yoga. Lord Shiva is conceived as the first teacher of yoga. Who founded the practice of yoga some 15000 years ago, from Uttarakhand (India). It is also mentioned in the Puranas and Vedas.

Yoga origin and  modern yoga
Ashtanga yoga components

Ashtanga yoga is described in Darshanopanishad. It is an ancient practice that leads to a deep connection with our spirit or atman. Maharshi  Patanjali (Ancient times great spiritual leader) was the founder of classical yoga philosophy. Who considered yogic techniques in the yoga sutras to follow in our daily life to lead an ethical life. The word yoga was first mentioned in rig Veda in hymns and mantras called mandalas. "Mantro Layo Hatho Rajayoganta Bhumika Karmata" This line about the types of yoga is mentioned in Yogasikhopanishad. In the Patanjali yoga sutras, Maharshi Patanjali tells of about eight components of yogic sadhana called Patanjali ashtanga yoga. These eight limbs of yoga are:

  1. Yama
  2. Niyama
  3. Asana
  4. Pranayama
  5. Pratyahara
  6. Dharna
  7. Dhyana
  8. Samadhi

In the Patanjali yoga sutra, Maharshi Patanjali described five states of mind called "CHITTA BHUMIS" in these different stages human behaves differently. These stages are: 

  • Ksipta (Agitated, Wandering)- In this state rajas guna is dominant in a person and he seeks the objects pleasurable to his body and sense. The person remains busy in orgy during this stage. It is the lowest state of mind.  Most of the people living in this universe have this type of condition. In this state mind is restless, disturbed, jumping from one idea to another idea fastly and the person becomes a victim of anger, raga, Davesha, violence, jealously, anxiety, sensuality,  depression, and sorrows.
  • Muddha (Dull, Confused)- In this state tamas guna is dominant in a person. In this state of mind is lethargic, dull, and listless. During this stage, a person is full of ignorance, delusion, fear, and depression.
  • Vikshipta (Sincere, Spiritually committed)-In this state, Sattva Guna is dominant in a person, but not completely. The Vikshipta mind is occasionally steady or focused. Often, the mind is distracted in this state. Sometimes rajas Guna again becomes dominant and the senses get attracted towards pleasurable objects.
  • Ekagra (Concentrated,  Evolved)-In this state of mind sattva guna is completely dominant. The mind is relaxed and fully concentrated. This state can diminish the kleshas. During this stage, the mind is one-pointed and focused. The one-pointed mind is able to begin the real practice of yoga meditation, which leads a person towards samadhi.     
  • Niruddha (Restrained, Pure consciousness)-In this state, all the types of Vrittis get diminished and no new samskaras can arise. If this state is maintained for a long time, one is able to attain the state of final liberation. During this state, the mind is regulated controlled, and mastered.  

Five states of mind

Modern yoga- Modern yoga is focused on the physical practice, to maintain our body and physical fitness. It is derived from hatha yoga and we practiced different types of poses taken from the western culture also. Modern yoga followed by Swami Vivekananda, with his Navavedanta based philosophy, and T. Krishnamacharya with his Gymnastic Philosophy. 

Swami Swatmaram is the author of the text- Hathayoga Pradipika. His life period is in the 14th century.

Modern Yoga Guru and their Philosophy about yoga-

  • Swami Dayananda Saraswati- Advaita philosophy
  • Swami Vivekananda- Navavedanta philosophy
  • Swami Madhavacharya- Dvaita philosophy
  • Swami Ramanujacharya- Vishishtadvaita
  • Sir Aurobindo- Internal yoga (supramental yoga)
  • Swami Kuvalayananda- Scientific study of yoga
  • Swami Yogananda- Self-realization, Kriya yoga

Modern yoga
Modern yoga

 Modern yoga is related to a very important concept, called "personality". Personality word is obtained from the Latin word persona, which means the aspect of someone's character that is presented to or perceived by others. Yoga plays a very important role to control our emotions. It generates positive emotions by principles of Yama and Niyamas, controls negative emotions, and gives us emotional stability. Personality comes through a better lifestyle and a better lifestyle, which we can achieve through following a yogic lifestyle. The main components of a yogic lifestyle are-

  1. Aachar
  2. Vichaar
  3. Aahar 
  4. Vihaar 
  5. Vayvahaar

Personality is not only an outer look, it is our identity. We can consider a better personality through some points-

  • The slimness of our body.
  • Our emotional intelligence.
  • Grace in our talk, walk, looks, etc.
  • Our characteristics and our behavior.
  • Brightness and glow of our skin.
  • Freedom from disease and our energy level.
  • Our confidence, development, communication, and language speak ability. 
  • Our positive thinking towards our life, liveliness, peace, and controlling power of our emotions.  

Personality through yoga

So, here we discussed points of a good personality, now let us first know about the benefits of yoga practice. how yoga practice is beneficial for us.  

  • Yoga practice reduces muscle tension. 
  • During the practice of yoga, oxygen consumption is reduced.
  • In the yoga practice, the metabolic rate is reduced.   
  • The regular practice of yoga stimulates the parasympathetic nervous system.
  • The daily practice of yoga conserves energy.
  • With regular practice of yoga, our body doesn't need much more food.
  • In yoga practice, the respiration rate falls down.
  • Yoga practice helps in balancing the secretions of the endocrine system and develops the stamina of the body.
  • The practice of yoga purifies our body,  mind, and soul and controls our emotional intelligence, making it positive.
  • The body temperature falls down in the yoga practice because it gives peace to our body, mind, and soul.
  • In yoga practice, oxygen is received by all the organs of the body and it is beneficial for our heart system. 
  •  Yoga practice increases the flexibility of the muscle and yoga practice also increases the awareness, alertness, and consciousness level of our mind.
  • Yoga practice includes physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual development and in the yoga practice, the fatigue is reduced.

yoga benefits

Yoga is an art to live life peacefully, healthy, and disease-free. In the modern world, if we want to avoid hypertension, anxiety, and unstable life, everyone should make yoga a part of our life. 


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