G-THTZSWSTCC Begin to breath- yoga and meditation center: August 2021

Eight limbs of yoga- Yama, Niyama, Asana, Pranayama, Pratyahara, Dharna, Dhyana, and Samadhi.

Astanga yoga of Patanjali Yogasutra- 


Patanjali astanga yogasutra
Astanga yoga

In the Patanjali Yoga sutra, Maharishi Patanjali described eight types of yoga sadhana. In these elements, we know about our sadhana practice rules and postures for stability, lightness, and healing our body and mind. In traditional yoga, yogis control senses to focus on Chakras. Maharishi Patanjali has described eight limbs in patanjali yogasutra of the yoga sadhana. 
The eight components are-
  1. Yama
  2. Niyama
  3. Asana
  4. Pranayama
  5. Pratyahara
  6. Dharna
  7. Dhyana
  8. Samadhi

Yama- It is the first limb of ashtanga yoga. It includes social discipline. The regular practice of Yama works on both physical and mental levels. Generally, Yama is referred to as our daily routine behavior, describing how we should live a better life. Our disciplined life makes our day productive and successful. 
It includes-
  • Ahinsa (Non-violence)
  • Satya (Truthfulness)
  • Asteya (Non-stealing)
  • Brahmacharya (Self-restraint)
  • Aparigraha (Non-covetousness)
Astanga yoga

Niyama- It is referred to as self-discipline. Niyamas are the guidelines for better and healthy living. there are five components of Niyamas. They are-
  • Saucha (Cleanliness)
  • Santosha (Modesty)
  • Tapas (Keeping the body healthy)
  • Svadhyaya (Self-inquiry)
  • Ishvara pranidhana (Surrender to god)


Asana- Maharishi Patanjali has defined asana as "Sathirsukhmasanam" which means to sit in comfort and stand position. Asana provides us stability, lightness, and good health. By the practice of asanas, we can detoxify and purify our bodies.
There are thirty-two types of asanas described in the Gheranda Samhita 
  1. Dhanurasana ( Bow pose)
  2. Gomukhasana ( Cow mouth pose)
  3. Padmasana ( Lotus Pose)
  4. Siddhasana ( Perfect pose)
  5. Bhadrasana ( Happy pose)
  6. Singhasana (Lion pose)
  7. Virasana ( Hiro pose)
  8. Vajarasana ( Adament pose)
  9. Muktasana  ( Freedom pose)
  10. Swastikasana ( Auspicious pose)
  11. Guptasana ( Hidden pose)
  12. Sankatasana ( Danger pose)
  13. Mayurasana ( Peacock Pose)
  14. Kukkutasana ( Rooster pose)
  15. Shalabhasana ( Locust pose)
  16. Mritasana ( Death pose)
  17. Matsyasana ( Fish pose)
  18. Matsyendrasana ( King of fish pose)
  19. Gorakshasana ( Cow safe pose)
  20. Paschimottanasana ( Forward bend pose)
  21. Uttkatasana ( Chair pose)
  22. Mandukasana ( Frog pose)
  23. Kurumasana ( Tortoise pose)
  24. Vrikshasana ( Tree pose)
  25. Bhujangasana ( Snake pose)
  26. Makarasana ( Crocodile pose)
  27. Garudasana ( Eagle pose)
  28. Vrishamasana (Bull pose)
  29. Uttankurmasana ( Extended tortoise pose)
  30. Uttanamandukasana ( Extended frog pose)
  31. Usthasana ( Camel pose)
  32. Yogasana

Pranayama- The word pranayama is composed of the two words - Prana+Ayama. Prana means life energy and Ayama means to control or expand. Various breathing exercises are practiced to move this prana within our body to rejuvenate it. In other words, we can say that pranayama is the expansion of individual energy into cosmic energy.
There are eight pranayamas described in Gheranda Samhita-
  1. Suryabhedi
  2. Bhastrika
  3. Ujjayi
  4. Bhramari
  5. Sheetali
  6. Moorchha
  7. Sheetkari
  8. Plavini

Pratyahara- It is considered as a bridge between the Bahiranga aspects ( Yama, Niyama, Asana ) and the Antaranga aspects ( Dharna, Dhyana, Samadhi ) of the yoga sadhana. The word pratyahara is composed of the words - Prati+Ahara. Prati means against and Ahara means food or anything which is taken into our selves. So the word pratyahara means not to be taken or accepted by our body. Pratyahara includes the withdrawal of senses from their subjects and to control our minds and desires. It changes us from extrovert to introvert. Our senses follow the mind, where ever the mind travels they follow it. If we become introverted and the mind truly goes inward, the senses will also follow our minds. Now, they begin their inward journey by withdrawing themselves from their subjects.

Dharna- It is the single-pointed concentration and focuses. Dharna is the initial stage of deep meditation. Patanjali explains it as the binding of consciousness to a single spot. This ability to focus all the mind's attention towards one thing leads us to the next stage- Dhyana. Patanjali has described dharna as Desha Bandhachittasya dharna, which means dharna is the process of holding or fixing the concentration or attention of the mind into one object.

Dhyana- It means meditative absorption. Maharishi Patanjali has described dhyana as- Tatrapratyaya Ekatanata Dhyanam. Dhyana is to maintain continuous deep concentration without interruption. Dhyana involves concentration and meditation on a point of focus with the desire of knowing the reality about it. In other words, dhyana is the unbroken flow of awareness of an object. Dharna is a state of mind, whereas dhyana is the process of mind. Dhyana ( meditation) leads to deep absorption. (i .e. samadhi)

Samadhi- Samadhi is oneness with the object of meditation. There is no distinction between the act of meditation and the object of meditation. The first stage of samadhi (i. e. Savitarka), is simply a deepening of dhyana ( meditation). Samadhi is a state of intense concentration achieved through meditation. Samadhi is the mind's ultimate state of being. It is the highest state of consciousness that a human being can achieve.
 Mainly, there are two types of samadhi-
  • Samprajnata samadhi
  • Asamprajnata samadhi
Samprajnata samadhi (Sabija samadhi)- This type of samadhi is accompanied by happiness, egoism, deliberation, reflection, and bliss. Samprajnata samadhi is also called Sabija samadhi because the seeds (samsaras0 are there. It is also known as a type of conscious meditation or concrete meditation.
The main types of Samprajnata samadhi are-
  1. Savitarka
  2. Savichara
  3. Anadanugata
  4. Asmitanugata

Asamprajnata samadhi (Nirbija samadhi)- It is the state of bliss and is obtained when a yogi achieves oneness with the soul or self and thoughts disappear. The ultimate goal of samadhi is the union of the individual with the higher self. This samadhi is also known as Nirvikalpa Samadhi and it includes the knowledge of Purusha or consciousness. In Asamprajnata samadhi, individuality is lost and the mind is free from egoism, reflection, and analysis. Samprajnata Samadhi refers to concrete or conscious meditation, whereas Asaamprajnata samadhi refers to abstract or unconscious meditation.

Surya Namaskar Asanas practice and benefits of Surya namaskar


                                              Surya Namaskara practice


According to Swami Swatmarama, the practice of asanas provides us- 
  • Health
  • Stability
  • Lightness

Surya Namaskara mantras-

  • Om Mitraya Namah
  • Om Ravaye Namah
  • Om Suryaya Namah
  • Om Bhanve Namah
  • Om Khagaye Namah
  • Om Pushne Namah
  • Om Hiranyagarbhaya Namah
  • Om Marichaye Namah
  • Om Adityaya Namah
  • Om Savitri Namah
  • Om Arkaya Namah
  • Om Bhaskaraya Namah

Surya Namaskara means- sun salutation. Surya Namaskara was the most prominent activity during the Vedic period. Surya Namaskara is an ancient method of showing gratitude to the sun, which is described in Vedas. The Surya Namaskar is a complete body workout because it balances bodies Vata, pitta, Kapha and improves blood circulation in the body. the regular practice of this activity enhances the solar plexus, improves the efficiency of the internal organs, and balance the various types of the body system.

The twelve steps of Surya Namaskara practice are-

  1. Pranamasana (Prayer pose)
  2. Hastauttanasana
  3. Hastapadasana
  4. Ashwa Sanchalanasana
  5. Parvatasana(Mountain pose)
  6. Astanga Namaskara
  7. Bhujangasana
  8. Parvatasana(Mountain pose)
  9. Ashwa Sanchalanasana
  10. Hastapadasana
  11. Hastauttanasana
  12. Pranamasana


Step 1- Pranamasana ( Prayer pose)- Keep your feet together. While inhaling, lift both the arms up from the sides and while exhaling, put your palms together in front of the chest in the prayer position.

Concentrate on- Anahata Chakra.

Mantra- Om Mitraye Namah.


Step 2- Hastauttanasana- While inhaling, lift the arms up and backside, keeping biceps close to ears. Stretch your whole body from the heels to the tips of the fingers.

Concentrate On - Vishuddhi Chakra

Mantra- Om Raviye Namah.


Step 3- Hastapadasana- Exhale and bend forward from the waist, keeping the spine erect. Try to put the palms on the floor and head towards the knees.

Concentrate On - Swadhisthana Chakra

Mantra- Om Suryaye Namah.

Hatha yoga
Ashwa Sanchalanasana

Step 4- Ashwa Sanchalanasna (Equestrian pose)- While inhaling, push your left leg back and bring the left knee to the floor. Bring your right knee towards the right side of the chest and look upside and forward.

Concentrate On - Ajna Chakra

Mantra-Om Bhanave Namah.

Mountain pose

Step 5- Parvatasana (Mountain Pose)- Exhale and lift up your hips and tail bone. Lower the head and knee between the two arms. Try to put the heels in contact with the floor to form a V position.

Concentrate On - Vishuddhi Chakra

Mantra- Om Khagaye Namah.

Hatha yoga
Astanga namaskar

Step 6- Ashtanga Namaskara- Gently bring your knees down to the floor and exhale. Bring your hips backward and slide forward, so that your chin and chest rest on the floor. Raise your buttocks up slightly. Eight parts of the body (2 Hands, 2 Feet, 2Knees, Chest, and chin) touch the floor.

Concentrate On - Manipura Chakra

Mantra- Om Pushne Namah.


Step 7- Bhujangasana ( Cobra pose)- While inhaling, slide forward and raise the chest up in the cobra pose. Keep your legs and mid-section of the body on the ground. Don't put your entire body weight on your hands, use your hand to support the body.

Concentrate On- Swadhisthana Chakra

Mantra- Om Hiranagarbhaya Namah.


Step 8-Parvatasana (Mountain pose)- While exhaling, lift up your hips and tail bone. Put down the head and keep it between the two arms. put the heel in contact with the ground. 

Concentrate On- Vishuddhi Chakra.

Mantra- Om Marichaye Namah.

Hatha yoga
Ashwa Sanchalasana

Step 9- Ashwa Sanchalanasana- While inhaling, push your right leg back and bring the right knee to the floor. Bring your left knee towards the left side of the chest. Gaze up and forward. 

Concentrate On- Ajna Chakra

Mantra- Om Adityaye Namah.


Step 10- Hastapadasana- While exhaling, bend forward from the waist. Try to put the palms on the floor and head towards the knees. 

Concentrate On- Swadhisthana Chakra

Mantra- Om Savitre Namah.

Hatha yoga

Step 11- Hastauttanasana- While inhaling, lift the arms up and backside, keeping biceps close to ears. Stretch your whole body from the heels to the tips of your fingers.

Concentrate On- Vishuddhi Chakra

Mantra- Om Arkaye Namah. 


Step 12- Pranamasana- While exhaling, put your palms together in front of the chest in the prayer position. This is a very easy but effective position in yoga.

Concentrate On - Anahata Chakra

Mantra- Om Bhaskaraya Namah. 

Benefits of Surya Namaskara-  

  •  It is a complete exercise for full-body, so we don't need an extra workout for our body and it includes all basic posture.
  • Surya Namaskara includes some meditation posture also, so it helps to control or relax our mind and body.  It helps to build mental focus.
  • Surya Namaskar improves functions of the human internal organ so it is beneficial for the digestive system of the human body. 
  • Surya Namaskara Asanas increase the strength of the human body and helps to decrease back problems.     
  • Surya Namaskara asanas are very effective to burn excess fat of the human body.  These asanas make the body flexible.                           


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